en route;
Thursday, May 31, 2012


june camp is finally over (: thank God for the amazing volunteers from RV assigned to my group. it's really hard to find volunteers who were enthusiastic enough to help us with the random decorations, ideas for the cheers (in fact, they decided on the whole cheer &stood right in front during the mini presentation) and to look after the kids as well. so from the bottom of my heart, thankyou (:

on a crazy note, the last day of camp included an enormous headache from the previous day, along with an ice-cream treat from rachkeh (: thankyouu babe! kai also came down early to accompany me at starbucks, before we went for dinner with boonyi &michtan at TWOFATMEN, which was pretty good.

yay for holidays! i need to stock up on the booklist, pack my luggage bag &continue with driving lessons.
countdown to melbs: 8 more days!

Friday, May 25, 2012

“There will come a time," i said, "when all of us are dead. All of us. There will come a time when there are no human beings remaining to remember that anyone ever existed or that our species ever did anything. There will be no one left to remember Aristotle or Cleopatra, let alone you. Everything that we did and built and wrote and thought and discovered will be forgotten and all of this"--I gestured encompassingly--"will have been for naught. Maybe that time is coming soon and maybe it is millions of years away, but even if we survive the collapse of our sun, we will not survive forever. There was a time before organisms experienced consciousness, and there will be time after. And if the inevitability of human oblivion worries you, I encourage you to ignore it. God knows that's what everyone else does.”
― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

reading a book about death &people dying isn't exactly a fantastic read early in the morning or late after work. it makes you put your book down in fear of crying like a mad woman on the bus, and it makes you feel this sense of sadness. don't get me wrong, The Fault in Our Stars was a fantastic book, but when it comes coupled with the fact that your grandfather is back in hospital, weak &crying to himself, it really makes you feel like crap.

it really makes you feel like crying.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"With some people, it will be expected but with others it will feel like a punch to the stomach. No friendship is truly safe in your twenties. You’re undergoing so many personal and professional changes that there’s bound to be some casualties along the way. Don’t worry though. You’ll end up with the ones that matter. If someone’s no longer in your life, it’s for a reason."
- Ryan O'Connell, 25 Things I've Learned In My 20s

you know you read too much when you finish two books over the weekend, one book on monday, &another on tuesday. and you've also just added two more books to your kindle collection. haha. i guess long bus rides are pretty awesome after all (:

Monday, May 21, 2012

countdown: 18 days (:

chili crab for a saturday lunch, medz for a saturday dinner,
followed by The Avengers for a sunday movie (: thanks to tianning for the movie treat!

and on yet another separate note,
it's 12.28am, i'm really hungry, and i still have cravings for hatched.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

as i wince from all the injuries i presently have,
an enormous thankyou to kai for de-stressing with me after work yesterday! we went to skinny pizza for dinner, followed by heading to bala, where we bumped into ben, dud, zhipeng &dud's friend! and ching joined us later, followed by bumping into jori &his bunch of friends as well! :D it was definitely a good way to wind down after a week of injuries.

on a separate note,
i really have craving for brunch. hatched, anyone?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

happy birthday didi! (:

on a happier note,
thank God for amazing, helpful singaporeans. usually we always talk about how people can be spoilt, 'kiasu' or complaining all the time, but i guess sometimes there comes about a chance situation where you really see how complete strangers can come to you when you're in need of serious help. so to these amazing strangers who i will probably never see again, thankyou (:

Saturday, May 12, 2012

i had the weirdest dream last night.
i guess my brain decided that since the whole zombie apocalypse was somewhat 'trending', it's only acceptable to go with the flow.

so anyway, i was at a friend's place (which became a bungalow instead of an apartment, the latter of which is reality), and i have no idea why i was there, but apparently there were some festivities worth celebrating or something along those lines. so we celebrated, and then we left. just as we're leaving, something triggered, and all of a sudden we had a full blown zombie apocalypse on our hands, and we ran our asses off (obviously), making it to a car, of which we spent the time finding bodies spewed everywhere, more zombies running towards us, etc, etc.

the funny thing was, movies actually have it that zombies outnumber the humans, but in my dream, it was either the other way round or more or less equal in numbers, and we actually made it to a train station, where everyone was desperately trying to board the trains, these of which meant that you would be brought to safety (think: the singapore bishan MRT case. HAHAHA). unfortunately, due to the crowd, we tried to make it to another level, only to realize that the barriers were broken through and some zombies were actually attacking on other levels, so we ran like crazy once again.

some random part of my dream later (there are gaps in this wonderful memory of mine. i should've noted them down almost immediately after waking up so i wouldn't lose any part of it), the apocalypse somehow cleared up a bit, and the trains were no longer an option, so we decided to drive back to my place, which was determined as one of the safer zones, but one of my friends decided she wanted to try to reunite with her family. for some CRAAAZZYYY reason, we allowed her to, and almost immediately once she alighted from the car, she got attacked, and while she got some surface scarring, she wasn't infected (i have no idea what happened to her after that. tadahhh the power of memory lapses).

so moving on, we actually made it to my place, only to find out that there was some random stranger/neighbour/someone there who had created this enormous device which could protect you if you're inside, so we got pushed in and he used it as a barrier between us &the zombies and bashed through, thus getting us to safety.

and yes. this was the longest, most random dream EVER (besides the long one i had a few years back with some ghost telling me when i would pass away). and on a side note, i promise all my friends that if we were ever in a zombie apocalypse, i promise never to let you run off to reunite with your family by yourself :P


Wednesday, May 9, 2012


snap. snap. snap.

Monday, May 7, 2012

alvin's place for a saturday bbq, popeye's for a nice sunday dinner, and TWONEWAWESOMEWONDERFULBOOKS to add to my kindle which obviously needs cleaning. so much for buying a white one. thankfully my previous beloved macbook was white, so i've become quite experienced in the art of cleansing.

thanks to Vesak Day, there was no work today, so i spent the day surrounded with food: chicken rice @far east, sour sally @wisma, chinatown for my beloved tsubaki shampoo, coffee club @holland village, then ivin's @binjai for dinner! my appetite has increased TREMENDOUSLY. i don't even know why.

and i really should stop using the word 'beloved'. it kinda loses its meaning after such extensive use.

it's wonderful to know that God answers prayers.
you just have to wait for it to come.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


an end to a busy week with an awesome dinner at medz, a chill out session at balaclava, and a flooded carpark. HAHA.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

in this crazy world,
it's really hard to tell who's real and who isn't, who's genuine and who isn't. and today, i finally got a firsthand taste of what it's like to feel so conflicted about something like this.

"Growing up is difficult — you have to mourn the newness and accept being old enough to know better — but it’s what you have to do in order to keep living. Because there’s only so long you can keep asking the wrong questions and expect to find a good answer at the end of it. There’s only so long you can check out of your life before it starts to belong to someone else. Something else."
- Ryan O'Connell, When Did Everything Change?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

today was a day of beatings.
i was clawed 5 times, whacked on the head once, and got seriously scared off by a few cubicles &cupboards being pushed over &destroyed in the process.

and while just two days ago i was sleeping at 2-3am,
it's 10.40pm now &i already feel like crashing (in fact, i started feeling sleepy at 9pm). good game.

happy may '12 &goodnight everyone!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

"These are the months that I’ve chosen to be asleep. These are the months when I stopped liking what I saw in front of me so I decided to change it. Alter the reality, contour it to my liking. I went to sleep because nothing can hurt you there, not even dreams or nightmares."
- Ryan O'Connell, Life Happens When You're Asleep

time to wake up.

hey girl.

mgs, pjc, nus fass
dance, touch rugby,
photog, baking
8th december


alex alison alywin amanda angmoh bryna celena ching ching;ade dennis desmond didi dominique dudley eunice gene felicia flor huiyi jacq janet jeff jeremy jessie jiaxin jo jo;gilly kenneth kevin kim kynneth landy liyi mag mao sheng meredith michelle mich chiang mich lim peiling rachel rachel tann rachel xie rah ray ruth sab sam samantha shaun sherilyn shumei shuuy siew huai simin sis soe-na suxian yiling yingling yongjun yunzhen (sarah) zhijun

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chitter chatter.


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